Thriving Blog & Magazine
Is Your “Dad Bod” Healthy?

Brian Grilli
Restorative Fitness Coach

So fellas, have you settled into a “Dad Bod” where you’re sporting a bit of extra fat around your middle?

While some women claim to find the “Dad Bod” attractive and view this physique as reflecting a man’s attention to spending time with his family versus paying attention to how he looks — this body type actually poses serious health risks.

The truth is, a man being fit and healthy relates to him being around to care for himself and his family for the long term.

How to Thrive: Build Your Body's Brakes for Deceleration

Having a “Dad Bod” usually means that your visceral fat storage is high and unhealthy. Visceral fat is found in the abdominal cavity, and it can interfere with important internal organs, such as the pancreas, liver and intestines.


Visceral fat is also associated with an increased risk of serious health issues:

Type 2 diabetes

Disrupted hormone function

Heart disease

Colorectal cancer

Alzheimer’s disease

High blood pressure

What simple things can you do?

  1. Improve your diet. You can’t out-exercise a bad diet.
  2. Get plenty of quality sleep.
  3. Find a healthy way to deal with stress.
  4. Exercise at least 150 minutes a week and include two days of resistance training.

If you’re in the “Dad Bod” zone, it’s time to get back on track! Here at Thrive, we can help you through our Restorative Fitness and Lifestyle Medicine programs.

Thriving Magazine October 2022 Issue 16

Thriving Magazine • Issue 17

Our winter issue showcases the many ways we can trade expectation for appreciation, and how gratitude can be a strong catalyst to better health.Enjoy!

Articles are written by our experts in physical therapy, fitness training, chiropractic care. nutrition, massage, acupuncture, Chinese medicine, and energy healing.

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How Old Are You… Biologically?

How Old Are You… Biologically?

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Why It’s Important to Recharge Your Body’s Batteries

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Vacation Ready?  How to Stay on Course When Traveling

Vacation Ready? How to Stay on Course When Traveling

Let’s talk about travel preparation. Most of the snacks and meals in the airport are for convenience, not wellness. In fact, they are usually processed foods filled with additives, sugar, and have little nutritional value. On your next trip, come prepared and ready, and start your vacation feeling your best.

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Each month, our Thrive team embarks on a challenge to improve our own health and wellness. This month’s challenge focuses on improving your habits around your vitality. We invite you to join us on our collective wellness journey.

Lights! Camera! Action! Is the “Movie” of Your Life Going the Way You Want it To?

Lights! Camera! Action! Is the “Movie” of Your Life Going the Way You Want it To?

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Build Your Bedtime Routine Tonight for a Better Tomorrow!

Build Your Bedtime Routine Tonight for a Better Tomorrow!

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How to Improve a Man’s Health?  Through His Stomach.

How to Improve a Man’s Health? Through His Stomach.

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Want a Better Golf Game? Improve Your Rotational Mechanics.

Want a Better Golf Game? Improve Your Rotational Mechanics.

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Build the Brakes, Not the Engine: The Importance of Deceleration Training

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Holistic Postpartum Care with Acupuncture

Holistic Postpartum Care with Acupuncture

Acupuncture can be immensely helpful to support the wellbeing of the new mother by improving circulation of blood through the pelvis, helping heal a Cesarean incision and minimize scar tissue.

The Benefits of Postural Restoration®  for Pelvic Therapy

The Benefits of Postural Restoration® for Pelvic Therapy

Biomechanical dysfunctions occur in the body due to chain reactions of muscle actions and movement patterns that are out of sync and imbalanced. This is why Postural Restoration® takes a whole-body approach to diagnosis and treatment.

Healthy Hacks for Busy Moms

Healthy Hacks for Busy Moms

Mom's need to prioritize their health to better thrive! Prioritize keeping blood sugar in balance, quality sleep and movement. We have the hacks to help do all of these.

Mom on Board: The Need for Self Care

Mom on Board: The Need for Self Care

All mothers know that every stage of pregnancy and motherhood is special. However, there seems to be a trend in our society of discounting the importance of postpartum care.

Magnificent Mom, Magnificent You: Love Yourself First

Magnificent Mom, Magnificent You: Love Yourself First

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Thrive Staff Development Day – Spring 2022

Thrive Staff Development Day – Spring 2022

Last month, we hosted a Team training day where our entire team got trained in some lifestyle medicine application, sleep and pain neuroscience, and stress management techniques. Throughout the day we did various personal development and  team building activities and created some fun posters highlighting where our services fit in the ...

Holding Stress in Your Neck and Shoulders?

Holding Stress in Your Neck and Shoulders?

Use breath work throughout the day to help re-balance your posture and relieve stress. So many people will overposture and default to a vertical accessory breathing pattern especially when they’re under stress. This is something most people aren’t even aware of. It’s important to remember that good posture is not chest up, shoulders back, and ...

Spring Out of the Dark and Into the Light

Spring Out of the Dark and Into the Light

The winter months are hard already, but when we add a pandemic on top of them, months of isolation, and then chaos in the world, well, we’re depressed. It’s hit our society hard, and it doesn’t discriminate among gender, age, or ethnicity. There is no shame in these feelings, but it is important to know that healing is available.

Are You Depressed? Or Compressed?

Are You Depressed? Or Compressed?

In Energy Medicine, we do not see depression as a diagnosis, but rather as a state of being energetically. Our energy becomes “depressed” when we repress our emotions.

Managing Stress Constructively

Managing Stress Constructively

April is both National Stress Awareness Month and National Alcohol Addiction Awareness Month, so it is a great opportunity to reflect on our personal life stressors and how we are managing these stressors.

Building Strength and Community

Building Strength and Community

With spring here and summer approaching, the opportunities to get outside and do outdoor activities are abundant. And while we still have COVID precautions to consider, it’s important to understand that social interaction is beneficial to our mental and emotional health.

Stress is Everywhere

Stress is Everywhere

Everywhere these days, it seems people are more and more stressed out. The intense energy of the state of the world and the drain of our long haul through COVID seems to be getting worse rather than better. People are being challenged, not only with dealing with the stress of their formative years, but with the stress of family, romantic, ...

Invest In You

Invest In You

Hard to believe we are already into the 3rd month of 2022. For most of us the intentions and resolutions we set at the beginning of the year are already fading and becoming memories. This is because many of us, though ambitious, set ourselves up for failure.

Prenatal Massage: It Takes A Village

Prenatal Massage: It Takes A Village

When it comes to raising a family the phrase “it takes a village” is often used, but what about when you are growing the baby! Bringing a baby into the world may take a short nine-month journey compared to raising a tiny human for eighteen plus years, but that window is so important to mom and baby.

Where are you NOW?

Where are you NOW?

You have a mind, but you are not the mind. Most of us spend the better part of the day in our head. Did you know that 80-90% of your thoughts from day to day are the SAME, and whatever you are focused on is getting your energy.

Acupuncture For A Better Night’s Sleep

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InBody 770

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10 Steps to better health in 2022

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ANXIETY is Everywhere.

ANXIETY is Everywhere.

Anxiety is everywhere. Our fast paced, overwhelming world has created a culture where anxiety is commonplace. Most of my energy clients, even the elementary school children I work with, share struggles with anxiety. There was a time in my life as a young woman that anxiety meant frequent uncomfortable trips to the bathroom, often causing me ...

Sleep to Restore, Revive, and Optimize

Sleep to Restore, Revive, and Optimize

The holiday season is upon us. It’s a time of family, fun, and celebration. But it can also be a time of busy schedules, stress, and lack of sleep. Let’s make this a season to thrive by taking care of ourselves so we can enjoy everything that comes this time of year.

Optimizing Mindsets

Optimizing Mindsets

“Change your words, shift your mindset –Belief creates reality.” Our words are a vehicle for expressing and sharing our experiences with others, but you may not realize the far-reaching impacts of the words you use on a daily basis.

Food Medicine for the Season According to Traditional Chinese Medicine

Food Medicine for the Season According to Traditional Chinese Medicine

Many ancient cultures lived in accordance with the change of seasons, much more so than in modern times with the comfort of indoor artificial lighting and controlled temperature. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the sources of our “post-natal” energies are dependent on the type and quality of the foods we eat (and the air we ...

Your Diet May Be Impacting Low Back Pain

Your Diet May Be Impacting Low Back Pain

Low back pain is prevalent throughout our society, with estimates that 84% of us will experience low back pain at some point in our lives. For about 20% of people back pain becomes a chronic debilitating condition. We often think about back pain being related to disc issues, muscle tension, posture, etc., but something that is overlooked is ...

Sweet Dreams… with Energy Healing

Sweet Dreams… with Energy Healing

Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night unable to get back to sleep? Maybe you toss and turn and start thinking about all that is wrong in the world, or what you wish was different in your life? I remember the days when I would wake up and look at the clock. It would be 2:56 am and I would start thinking about the things in life that I ...

Healthy for the Holidays

Healthy for the Holidays

Here come the holidays! This is my favorite time of the year. A time to come together with family and friends, good food and even better company. It can also be a time with extra running around to get everything checked off of your to do list which can leave you feeling tired and rundown. We all want to stay as healthy as possible so we can ...

Protein Pumpkin Muffins

Protein Pumpkin Muffins

Try out these high protein muffins to help balance your blood sugar. Low in carbs and full of protein, these muffins are a healthy way to start your day or a perfect mid morning snack. Eating the right amount of protein at each meal is an important factor in helping you balance your blood sugar to burn fat and have healthy consistent energy ...

Speaking “Thrive”

Speaking “Thrive”

We’ve had a lot of new members working out with us recently in the Restorative Fitness Department at Thrive. I always love the opportunity to coach someone new and have found a lot recently that it’s given me the chance to talk about some key principles we use. If you’ve been in the program for any length of time, these themes should not be ...

Acupuncture for leg and foot pain

Acupuncture for leg and foot pain

We don’t often pay much attention to our legs or feet unless there are issues there to attend to. But those of us with a chronic lower limb injury or musculoskeletal instability in the arch of the foot can attest to how unrelenting such an affliction can be. Managing ongoing foot and leg pain can be exasperating; every step is an excruciating ...

Why Youth Athletes Need Sport Psychology Services

Why Youth Athletes Need Sport Psychology Services

An estimated 45+ million youth play sports in the United States. Each year, 35% of youth athletes quit, and just by the age of fifteen, 70-80% of youth athletes will no longer play. These are alarming numbers considering we often put our children in sport for fun, positive experiences, activity, and for the benefits that we know sport can ...

October is National Physical Therapy Month! Choose Thrive Physical Therapy!

October is National Physical Therapy Month! Choose Thrive Physical Therapy!

You are probably familiar with physical therapy helping to address pain, mobility issues, muscle tension, or strength deficits, but there is so much more a physical therapist can offer you. If you aren’t living your best life, it may be time to schedule an appointment with one of our amazing Thrive physical therapists.

Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs for Digestion Problems

Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs for Digestion Problems

Many of us will struggle with some form of digestive complications at some point in our lives. Oftentimes, this can be attributed to poor dietary choices and lifestyle habits. But if these issues become chronic and/or severe, one will seek help in the form of medication or other means.Based on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) theory, the ...

Energy Healing: What It Can Do For your Self Confidence

Energy Healing: What It Can Do For your Self Confidence

Do you wish you had more confidence in life? Do you hesitate when it comes to making decisions, not knowing what is the best decision for you at the moment? Would you like to really believe in yourself and trust that life is moving in the best direction for you? Quantum science has shown that life doesn’t happen TO us but THROUGH us. Our ...

Optimizing Running Performance and Recovery with Nutrition

Optimizing Running Performance and Recovery with Nutrition

You may know that to enhance running you need to complete a running training program that progresses over time. This will likely include strength and stability exercises, mobility training, and of course, running. But what can get overlooked is what you put into your body each day to fuel yourself to optimize your performance. The things we ...

Benefits of Acupuncture After A Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA)

Benefits of Acupuncture After A Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA)

Can acupuncture really help the recovery from an accident? As you can imagine, the realistic answer is that it depends on the severity of injuries and duration of time passed after the trauma. For moderate to severe injury, It is imperative that one is first evaluated and treated by a Western trained traumatology physician to identify the ...

What Is Nutrition?

What Is Nutrition?

Nutrition is obtaining the food necessary for health and growth. Sounds simple, right? Then why do so many people struggle with this concept? Why is the “standard American diet” given the acronym SAD, or why are almost 40% of American adults considered to be obese? We have more food in this country than any other country, yet most of us ...

Why So Salty?

Why So Salty?

Has anyone told you an Epsom salt soak would be great for your sprained ankle? Did you play for a coach who told you to do an Epsom salt soak? Have you ever had a massage where your massage therapist tells you to go home and soak in Epsom salt? I can’t tell you how many healthcare professionals have recommended this remedy to me! So clearly ...

7 Tips for the Person who “Hates” Running

7 Tips for the Person who “Hates” Running

The real thing that is limiting your potential is your mindset. I know because I was THAT person. I was diagnosed with asthma at an early age, and running has always been a struggle. While asthma is a genuine problem to have, it was the first thing that held me back from enjoying running. In January 2021, I decided to change this mindset that ...

5 Most Common Questions About Physical Therapy

5 Most Common Questions About Physical Therapy

Do you need a prescription/referral for physical therapy? Do you take insurance? How long will my appointment be? Who will I work with at my PT appointment? What can I expect at my first appointment?

Tools For The Job

Tools For The Job

The Fitness Industry has grown exponentially in recent years. In every way. Venues have evolved to include everything from Big Box Gyms to boutique studios, from everything-under-one-roof clubs to small, dedicated spaces marketed around a specific brand of fitness or even a single piece of equipment. The last year has also seen enormous ...

Repetitive Injuries Among Dental and Salon Industry Professionals

Repetitive Injuries Among Dental and Salon Industry Professionals

HUH? How do these two professions have anything to do with each other? In most general terms, they don’t. But as it turns out, when it comes to repetitive injuries sustained in the field, they have a lot in common. Employees in both industries are being seen A LOT in PT practices for injuries of the neck, back, shoulder and upper extremity as ...

Why Runners Benefit From Postural Restoration Therapy

Why Runners Benefit From Postural Restoration Therapy

Running is one of the most innate and natural movements humans can do, and yet those who regularly engage in it often continue to be perplexed and frustrated by the aches and injuries that can accompany it. Our ancient nomadic ancestors would regularly run down their hunting prey across vast plains for hours at a time, yet they probably ...

The Benefits of Aromatherapy In The Springtime

The Benefits of Aromatherapy In The Springtime

May 19, 2021Virginia is for lovers we say. Well, I do agree until the moment I step outside for a morning jog in early spring… For those like myself, leaving winter behind is delightful. I know holidays are great BUT the prospect of the warm weather and outdoor activities give me a sense of freedom and abundance I really crave more. Though ...

Under Pressure

Under Pressure

April 28, 2021 Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) to Relieve Allergy Symptoms Ahh Springtime! Warm sunny days and longer nights are all fun and games until, the one thing we can’t stand pops up, those pesky seasonal allergies. Trees, grass, weeds, and beautiful spring flowers all release tiny granules (pollen) into the air to fertilize other ...



April 14, 2021Achoo! The Spring weather is a welcome transition from the Winter cold. Blooming trees and flowers can lift our spirits but can wreak havoc on allergy symptoms. According to Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), Spring is the time corresponding to the Liver organ and when the internal energies tend to lift up and outward. If there ...

Dry Brushing What is it and Can it Help During Allergy Season?

Dry Brushing What is it and Can it Help During Allergy Season?

April 9, 2021What is Dry Brushing? Dry brushing, dry body brushing, or skin brushing is the use of a natural fiber bristle brush to aid in the stimulation of the skin, lymphatic system, circulatory system, and the nervous system. Skin brushing has been used in the healing practices of cultures all around the world for hundreds of years. ...

The Benefits of Direct Access Physical Therapy

The Benefits of Direct Access Physical Therapy

December 14, 2020 Are you or a loved one dealing with pain? Or maybe you’re a “weekend warrior” who pushed it a little too far? Or how about aches and pains from running? Maybe you’re dealing with muscle tension and loss of function from a physically demanding job? Or maybe you have persistent pain that has been around so long you can’t ...

14 Smoothie Recipes to Decrease Appetite and Balance Your Blood Sugar

14 Smoothie Recipes to Decrease Appetite and Balance Your Blood Sugar

May 26, 2020Unless you have been living under a rock (which, may be the case with the current #Rona running around) I am sure you are aware that health and wellness is a hot topic these days. Health choices and food research is no longer just for those who are “another year wiser” but even the younger generation is jumping into the mix. As a ...

Oriental Medicine: What is it? How can it help?

Oriental Medicine: What is it? How can it help?

May 19, 2020 Written by: Neida Fedison, L.Ac + Dipl. Ac + DAOM Have you ever heard about Oriental Medicine? You probably have but don’t even know it. You most likely know what Acupuncture is and with some limited information obtained through family members, friends, or even movies and TV shows.  Then what is Oriental Medicine? It is the ...

What is Reflexology?

What is Reflexology?

[ Blog Post Date ] What is Reflexology? Reflexology is a holistic modality using hand and finger pressure on the feet, outer ears and/or hands with the intent to stimulate nerve endings, creating positive electrical and chemical changes contributing to homeostasis. Reflexology is also known as zone therapy which accepts the belief that a ...

5 Must Have Tips to Help Prioritize Sleep

5 Must Have Tips to Help Prioritize Sleep

February 18, 2020 Have you ever thought “what is sleep?”. Odds are, this thought has never crossed your mind. And that is okay. You are not alone; we were right there with you! But, what if we stopped and truly thought about what sleep is, how sleep affects our mental, emotional and physical state; more importantly, how proper sleep habits ...

Train Like A NFL Athlete

Train Like A NFL Athlete

NFL football players are some of the highest performing athletes in the world. With this comes strict regimes to ensure their mental and physical health. Everything from their eating habits to sleeping patterns plays a role in their performance and allow them to THRIVE. While not everyone may be an athlete at this level, many of their habits ...



January 21, 2020 Written by: Chantal Owen, CMT + CR + CCA With the cold, flu and allergy seasons upon us, we wanted to give the inside scoop on the ways Thrive can help aid your recovery and at-home tips to get through this season. Luckily so far our winter has been very mild this year yet the yoyo effect between the cold and warm days has ...

5 Exercises to Improve your Posture

5 Exercises to Improve your Posture

Inchworms - Rounded Downward Dog Walk OutsFrom all fours, knees directly under hips and hands under shoulders Shift your weight forward so your nose is over your fingertips. Exhale and round up through your mid-back like a "cat" yoga pose Extend knees to inhibit hyperactive muscles into a slightly rounded downward dog From the downward dog ...

The Difference Between Medical Massage and Spa Massage

The Difference Between Medical Massage and Spa Massage

Have you ever wondered about the difference between a medical massage and a spa massage? We had one of our certified massage therapists, Chantal, discuss the differences to help better understand. While one might think all massages are alike that is not the case. Medical massages and spa massages have differences in their purpose, training, ...

Massage for Mammas: Me-Time is Important in All Phases of Motherhood

Massage for Mammas: Me-Time is Important in All Phases of Motherhood

The prenatal and postnatal phases are both beautiful and brutal experiences when having a baby. When carrying, the lower ribs can become more flared to make room for the baby, especially during the last trimester. Once we have the baby and begin cradling during feedings, it creates more tension along the bra line area. Whether you’re nursing ...

The Life-Changing Benefits of Aromatherapy and the Raindrop Technique

The Life-Changing Benefits of Aromatherapy and the Raindrop Technique

Aromatherapy is a fascinating field–one that got me completely hooked and that I’ve been passionate about for years. As a French native, where aromatherapy and phytotherapy have a prominent place in health and wellness, I’ve always known the power of essential oils. However, the day that I observed Raindrop Therapy performed on a horse was ...

Injury-Prevention Tips for Runners

Injury-Prevention Tips for Runners

February 10, 2018FO Every runner wants to win the injury prevention race, whether it is the runner just starting out, the casual runner or the competitive runner. It seems that with all the advancements in training methods, shoe wear, research and even medicine we think we have found the answer. One thing has become clear to us, through all ...

5 tips for ‘Fit & Fab’ Total Body Wellness

5 tips for ‘Fit & Fab’ Total Body Wellness

May 27, 2017 We recently got to spend an awesome morning with the fabulous Kristen Crowley and the WGNT/WTKR News 3 morning crew.  Kristen put together a '5 Days of Fit & Fab' Total Body Wellness series and we were honored and grateful to participate! In this series, we shared 5 quick tips to set your body up for success not only in the ...

Defying the Odds – Tools of Champions

Defying the Odds – Tools of Champions

[ Blog Post Date ] The New England Patriots defied the odds by coming back from a situation that seemed impossible!Tom Brady. Credit Getty ImagesTom Brady credited the team's Mental Toughness for their Epic Superbowl win.Mental toughness is a collection of mental performance skill sets that allow a person to persevere through ...

Your Rib Mobility is Critical for a Healthy Spine

Your Rib Mobility is Critical for a Healthy Spine

The ribcage is a huge part of anatomy that tends to be ignored, especially when treating low back pain.Our ribcage is thought of as a steel cage that isn’t supposed to be very mobile, however, our ribcage is meant to be very mobile! Ribs attach to the front of our body on the sternum and are long levers that wrap all they way back to our ...

Grounding: The Importance of Breathing Properly

Grounding: The Importance of Breathing Properly

Let's look at the mechanics of breathing, as well as the mechanics of the respiratory and pelvic diaphragms, to better understand how the mechanical ventilatory pump is a powerful driver to keep the body connected to the ground during dynamic movement.The central tendon of the respiratory diaphragm descends towards the ground during ...

Grounding: Connection to Gait

Grounding: Connection to Gait

Hopefully you are following our discussion about the valuable principle of grounding. What's cool is our natural gait cycle is mechanically sound to help us ground ourselves to improve our internal physiology and system function. Unfortunately, many people have lost the reciprocity to exchange a rhythm between the right and left halves of the ...

Grounding: Restoring Normal Physiological and Mechanical Function

Grounding: Restoring Normal Physiological and Mechanical Function

"Grounding" is a principle we apply in our programming and is essential for restoring normal physiological and mechanical function. Various research has been published to help explain the beneficial effects of grounding on human biological performance and health (note: Earthing is a form of grounding).The inability to ground is the inability ...

What are PRI orthotics

What are PRI orthotics

At THRIVE, we fabricate a very unique and special foot orthotic that applies neuromuscular principles with solid principals of lower extremity biomechanics. These orthotics effectively influence the entire postural and movement system by combining the Science of Postural Restoration (PRI) Advanced Physical Therapy with the biomechanics of ...