Quick Start Guide To Massage Self- Care Routine

January 4th 2022

Don’t know where to start your massage self-care routine?

Whether you are a “new year resolution” kind of person or not, here are some tips to build a strong and healthy lifestyle by including a massage routine that will leave you amazed and on your way to a thriving life.

#1 Evaluate where you currently are. 

Do you already include massage in your self-care routine? If not, start slow and build it up!

Starting with one massage a month can already promote self healing and much needed relaxation. Increasing to 2 or more sessions per month would help better manage and prevent unwanted stressors and life challenges due to chronic stress, illness and/or or injuries. A mind and body under persistent attack will require tools and consistent care to address and overcome issues. For example, trigger points that tempt  people to shorten muscle length are persistent and will and create inflammation and toxins  build up. Like their name suggests, a trigger point has “triggers”. Whatever may trigger them either emotional challenges, overuse or injuries, these bad boys will come and go. The more frequently they are worked on the better your tissues will feel or recover. 


#2 Know where you want to be.

Do you want to feel good and relax or manage severe pain and debilitating symptoms?

Massage is a great way to nurture yourself but also overcome severe debilitating symptoms from all sorts of  illnesses. A compromised immune, circulatory, muscular or nervous system needs support and all body systems will benefit from regular massages. Helping the body get rid of toxins and heavy metal poisoning coming from our environment, the air we breathe, the food we eat is a great challenge in itself. Massage is well known to help improve immunity, blood flow and helps quiet the mind which positively influences well-being and relieves pain of any kind. Different massage techniques will support the goal you set for yourself. For example deep tissue massage with cupping therapy will promote and increase proper blood and lymph flow to help remove toxins and help tissues return to a better state of elasticity and flexibility. Reflexology and aromatherapy would significantly increase a mind and body alignment leaving the mind calmer and the body grounded. 


#3 Set a budget for success.

Setting the right budget to suit your specific needs and goals is crucial. Not allowing the proper service for your needs can backfire by creating frustration and disappointment. An honest discussion with your trusted massage therapist can help you decide what is best for your needs and budget. Memberships often offer the best deals and help you be consistent and on track.

Choosing the  right massage therapist skilled to perform a service to suit your specific needs is a must. All massage therapists have a skill set and style that may or may not suit your needs. Inquiring about the specific techniques and training of a massage therapist will insure the perfect match. Asking questions about a massage therapist’s professional background and experience will help you decide if she is a good fit for you. 

One take away to remember is that taking care of yourself is the first step to efficiently help take care of others. 

Meet the massage therapist


Meet Chantal, Relaxation Specialist

Chantal specializes in providing pain relief, pain management, and relaxation to individuals seeking to optimize their personal and professional potential, well-being, and quality of life. She has over 8 years of experience working holistically with people challenged with acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain and dysfunctions, hormonal, digestive, and autoimmune disorders.

Through her own life challenges and needs for physical, emotional, and mental balance, Chantal has developed a unique set of skills and a keen sense of empathy for people eager to restore, improve and maintain their health and well-being. Her mission is to support her team’s work in providing peace, comfort, connection, meaning, and purpose during times of struggle, as well as physical demand and the need for superior athletic performances.

Chantal has learned and mastered effective and non-invasive massage techniques that focus on the medical benefits of soft tissue manipulation, mobilization, alternative pressure, and essential oils to provide superior and cumulative customized results.