While our individual training goals may vary, men don’t generally talk about mobility or posture. We know we need to move better and increase flexibility, but often in the gym, we just want to lift heavy weights. What if we told you, that by ensuring your body moves properly, you could actually lift heavier in the gym and appear stronger with having to do less? It’s true! With some simple tweaks and adjustments to four common exercises you may already be doing, you can enhance mobility and posture while also adding a challenge to your routine at the same time.
These four specific moves are ones every man can do to reduce tightness and limit muscle imbalances while increasing flexibility and strength.
Alternating Dumbbell Press
Supine, feet on wall

Don’t over extend and hold your breath

Do set your posture by engaging your hamstrings and tilting your pelvis before the first rep — continue breathing throughout
Renegade Row
Knee-position plank

Don’t collapse into your shoulder blades

Do reach your upper back to the ceiling while avoiding shrugging your shoulders
Tactical Lunge
Alternating a kettlebell or dumbbell passing through your legs

Don’t lock out your legs and overreach or round your back

Do ensure that your hips and shoulders rise and fall together
Farmer’s Carry
One up/one down • “Up” arm at 90

Don’t lean back to “prop up” the weight

Do keep your ribcage down so your shoulder blade can be free, avoiding impingement
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