Everything in our Universe is energy, including you. And quantum science has found that the Universe is constantly expanding. This means that YOU (energetically) are constantly expanding and changing.
But, the thing is, most of us have not been taught to tune onto the energetic part of us. Our mind holds on to the story of how things are and the way things “should” be, so anything that changes that we are not ready for feels very uncomfortable in the body.
Your essence, the truth of who you are is the energy that is moving through you, and that energy is your breath. When you breathe into your heart you begin to awaken the presence of the love within you.
And when you breathe into the solar plexus, the energy of power connects to your heart. When these parts of you are awake and aligned you expand the contracted parts of you and turn on new “energetic circuitry” to better handle all of the circumstances of life.
But I can’t stop there, because what I would truly like for you to understand is that you are never a victim of your circumstances.
You are actually the creator of your life.
Another quantum truth that is so exciting is that you are actually creating the life that you are experiencing. Your life is like a movie that you are stepping into.
Your thoughts carry an energetic frequency and are creating the reality that you are living. We are all powerful creators creating a life from within, but most of us are creating by default with no understanding of the power we have to change the reality we are living.
I started out helping people to align their energy for healing, but once we are aligned we become the powerful, intentional creators we actually came here to be.
We no longer need to go through life as if we have no control and life is ‘happening” to us. Reading this may stir something inside of you. You might feel agitated or contracted, or you might feel expansive and excited. And it’s all perfect.
If you want to know more and begin to experience life as the powerful creator that you are, please schedule a session with me. Life is meant to be easy and fun, and I know that that is possible for everyone!