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Having INSiGHT Into Your Central Nervous System is Critical for an Informed Wellness Plan
Lifestyle Medicine Monthly Challenge

There is a difference between traditional medicine and the way Thrive looks at things. Traditional medicine relies primarily on symptoms and looks for obvious pathology on standard exams such as blood work, MRIs, and EEGs. And generally, chiropractors most often rely on x-rays.

Here’s how Thrive is different — and perhaps, more informed — when it comes to chiropractic care. We use an incredible piece of technology called INSiGHT neuroTECH to accurately assess the health and function of your central nervous system.

Now when we get into things like technology and neurology, a lot of us can get overwhelmed, but that’s the true beauty and practicality of our INSiGHT Scanning Technology — it’s super simple and easy to understand.

What is the central nervous system?

Dr. Bruce Lipton puts it this way: “The function of the central nervous system is to perceive the environment, and coordinate the function of all other cells.”

Put simply, the central nervous system (we’ll call it the nervous system from here on out) determines whether you are healthy or not.

Our nervous system is made up of three divisions: Sensory, Autonomic and Motor. These divisions work together to coordinate EVERY internal body function with EVERY movement and with EVERY thought, emotion, behavior and cognitive function. It’s “Air Traffic Control” for the entire human experience!

When you see the word “autonomic” in this context, it simply means that everything runs on autopilot and happens automatically. You can best think of this in terms of the four things we know healthy babies are supposed to be able to do: eat, sleep, poop, and move.

It’s the autonomic nervous system that controls and coordinates all four of those key health-building functions, and we can measure how well (or not well) the nervous system is doing with our simple, safe and reliable INSiGHT Scans!

Basically the examination and assessment process of the three different health care approaches breaks down like this:

  • Traditional Medicine 💊 = chases symptoms and looks for obvious pathology, not function
  • Movement-Based Therapy (PT, OT, Speech) 🏃 = assesses muscular or “motor tone” function through various movement assessment, strength tests, etc.
  • Chiropractic Care 🧠 = assesses and determines the function of the nervous system

If you or a family member have been experiencing health issues, you may have focused your time, energy, and resources into trying to get your gut health, immune system, and motor skills functioning the best they can. We bet you (and your care team) have probably overlooked the one common thread that ties them all together: the nervous system.


How does the nervous system work?

The nervous system is a two-way street:

  • Sensory nerves send information and report back to the brain and brainstem exactly what’s going on inside the body (internal environment) and outside the body (external environment).
  • Motor control nerves send signals out from the brain and spinal cord and tell the various parts of the body what to do, when to do it, how to do it, etc.

Because neurological communication within the autonomic nervous system has to do this vitally important job for 37.2 million cells in the human body, things need to happen fast and have absolute clear lines of communication. We were designed to operate at well past 5G long before it was invented, and we certainly can’t have ourselves or our kids operating at dial-up speeds.

When it comes to children, their brains (nervous systems) double in size during their first year of life, and continues growing and developing at that rapid pace through year seven. That means making sure their little nervous systems are working at full function is extremely important.

This is where the INSiGHT Scan comes in… Knowing exactly how your child’s brain and nervous system are functioning and communicating is far more valuable than knowing where they sit on the height and weight chart in your pediatrician’s office. And knowing this about yourself as an adult can be invaluable in your health and wellness journey.

How do I know if my, or my child’s, nervous system is suffering? 

When your body is experiencing subluxation (misalignment of the vertebrae) or dysautonomia (disorder of the autonomous nervous system), your nervous system can be suffering from one of these major issues:

  • Stuck stress, tension, spasm, etc.
  • Lack of balance (more on this later) and coordination
  • Disorganization and dysfunction

Some of the signs and symptoms of your child’s nervous system being stressed out, tense, and stuck on sympathetic fight-or-flight mode may include:

  • Colic and frequent crying in an infant
  • Excessive tantrums and meltdowns in a toddler or preschool-aged child
  • Motor and speech delays
  • Sensory processing and emotional regulation challenges
  • ADHD and anxiety type challenges later on in school-aged children and teens

In adults, symptoms may include:

  • joint pain
  • pinched nerves
  • sciatica, back pain
  • neck pain
  • decreased or inefficient mobility
  • headaches

Sadly, most pediatricians dismiss most neurodevelopmental and sensory challenges as “normal” and still tell parents today things like, “Don’t worry, they’ll grow out of it.” Well, what we now know is that for most kids, those symptoms and conditions are obvious signs of trouble brewing in the nervous system.

Now that we have a good understanding of the importance of a healthy nervous system, let’s dive into the INSiGHT Scans and what they can tell us.

INSiGHT Scan #1: Heart Rate Variability (HRV)

These scans are incredibly helpful at getting a broader picture of your neurological health, telling us whether your autonomic nervous system is healthy, balanced and fully charged… Or stressed out, imbalanced and worn out.

The key word here is “variability” because that is truly the number one marker of good neurological health: the ability to be adaptable and resilient. Adaptability is the key to good health, whether we are talking about gut and immune health, or behavioral, emotional, and cognitive health.

Every person is going to encounter bacteria, viruses, physical injuries, environmental toxins, and emotional challenges on an almost daily basis. So what we really know about good health is that it’s not determined by avoiding or trying to hide from these things, but being able to adapt and overcome them.

INSiGHT Scan Heart Rate Variability

The vast majority of HRV scans in our office, for kids and adults alike, look like this example. In a healthy scan, the white dot would be in the green box.

In the example scan, the white dot is in the lower left, indicating two very common findings that are the result of subluxation and dysautonomia:

Shifted left = this person is stuck predominantly in sympathetic fight-or-flight mode, and/or has an exhausted parasympathetic nervous system and vagal tone issues

Shifted low =  this person has lower “reserve capacity” and adaptability, or put simply, low energy

There’s more data gleaned from the HRV scan, but we’re keeping it simple here. The important point is, armed with this knowledge, a more informed care plan can be devised, and measurable baselines can be set in order to gauge change.

INSiGHT Scan #2: Neurothermal

The main thing the Neurothermal Scans help us find are the regional effects of subluxation and dysautonomia. We can run this scan on everyone from a one-day-old infant to an adult in a matter of minutes.

Since the core functions of the autonomic nervous system are to coordinate and regulate the function of the digestive system, immune system, hormones, and so forth, this scan helps us really understand what’s going on in our patients who are struggling with things such as colic, reflux, constipation, chronic ear infections, allergies, adrenal dysfunction, and sleep disorders.

INSiGHT Scan Neurothermal

This is a Neurothermal Scan of a child struggling with virtually all of those conditions of the neuro-gastric-immune complex, as well as anxiety.

The three things we don’t like to see in these scans are:

  • Green, blue, and red bars on the top half of the NCM graph: This indicates there are stuck, tension, and sympathetic dominance components of subluxation
  • There is “back-and-forth” or “tug-of-war” type tracking, as well as tracking on the bottom summary graph: This indicates dysautonomia and tension throughout the neurospinal system
  • The DTG bars along the sides of the summary graph (bottom half) are inside the black lines and blue: This indicates the subluxation and condition is becoming more chronic

INSiGHT Scan #3: Neurospinal EMG

This particular scan is absolutely vital, as it serves as the most important form of testing we can do when conditions such as Autism, Asperger’s, Sensory Integration Disorders, ADHD, and Anxiety are being investigated.

That’s because each of these neurodevelopmental and neurosensory challenges are rooted in stuck tension, altered tone, and exhaustion of the neuromotor system. Most every parent of a spectrum or sensory child is familiar with the word “tone,” having worked with amazing professionals that include Pediatric PTs, OTs, and Speech Therapists.

Neurological and tone challenges are a big deal, as motor function and development determines brain function and development. That means, if the EMG scan detects patterns of stuck tension and imbalance, the brain is almost certainly stuck in sympathetic (fight or flight) tone and also struggling with an imbalance among its core functions of regulating emotions, behavior, learning and memory.

The most exciting thing about Pediatric Chiropractic is that we can see changes in a child’s EMG Scans quickly, because their nervous system is still learning to grow and adapt at such a fast pace. Their brains and bodies are growing and developing at such a rapid rate, it’s really quite incredible. But that also means that when subluxation gets into the neuromuscular system (as shown on EMG), it can really wreak havoc and alter their development for years to come.

Our INSiGHT EMG Scans also use a three-step scoring system that allows us to really understand what’s going on with the neuromotor system, and thus overall brain and neurodevelopment.

Here are the three scores you’ll see on an EMG Scan, and a quick explanation of what they mean:

Total Energy Score

This score tends to go way up in a person who’s wound up and stuck in sympathetic mode. A high score here is most often seen with our “Raging Bull” cases, those people struggling with things such as anxiety, behavior, sleep issues, and so forth.

Pattern Score

This is a very important score to the overall neurological tone. A low score here indicates a person who’s likely struggling with emotional dysregulation, focus and concentration challenges, postural exhaustion and weak core, and so forth.

Symmetry Score

This score is measuring the balance between the right and left sides of the neurospinal system, which is crucial for balance in overall brain function and coordination.

Putting all of this together…

While Dr. Josh will take you through each scan individually, perhaps the most important aspect of the INSiGHT Scans is being able to put them all together and get a full picture of what’s going on with you or your child’s nervous system and overall health!

The INSiGHT Scans do exactly what they’re named for: give us insights and an understanding of the most important aspect of your health, in ways that no other health practitioner can.

The nervous system truly is the “mom” of the entire body, keeping everything and everyone on track at all times. And just like quite a few moms, it can get wound up and worn out. But it truly doesn’t have to be that way. Dr. Josh is here to put a care plan together based on your needs. With each and every adjustment, you’ll see the stuck stress and tension leave the body, and the calm, relaxation, and healing capacity kick back in.

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How to Keep Your Nutrition on Course When Traveling

How to Keep Your Nutrition on Course When Traveling

Let’s talk about travel preparation. Most of the snacks and meals in the airport are for convenience, not wellness. In fact, they are usually processed foods filled with additives, sugar, and have little nutritional value. On your next trip, come prepared and ready, and start your vacation feeling your best.

Lights! Camera! Action! Is the “Movie” of Your Life Going the Way You Want it To?

Lights! Camera! Action! Is the “Movie” of Your Life Going the Way You Want it To?

Quantum science has shown that our lives are just like a movie. And the life that we are living is being projected out through us. In other words, your life is your creation. And YOU have the power to change it in any way you like.

Summertime Food to Help Beat the Heat

Summertime Food to Help Beat the Heat

We've got your go-to list for healthy foods to help keep you refreshed, cooled down and hydrated this summer.

Chinese Medicine Tips on Keeping Cool in the Summer Heat

Chinese Medicine Tips on Keeping Cool in the Summer Heat

During the summer, external warmth can be welcome if one is cold-natured, but can be uncomfortable if there is already internal heat and/or dampness in the diagnostic picture. Learn how to cool off your internal temps.

The Importance of Staying Hydrated and Aligned

The Importance of Staying Hydrated and Aligned

Misalignments and restrictions in the spine (subluxations) can negatively affect the vertebral disc rehydration process. Discs that aren’t properly hydrated means they’re not getting the nutrition they need.

Why the Great Outdoors is So Great for Summertime Activities

Why the Great Outdoors is So Great for Summertime Activities

There are health benefits to being outdoors We evolved for much of human existence in nature, surrounded by water, trees, sunlight, etc. Reap the benefits of our green environment.

Finding Balance With Your Summertime Exercising

Finding Balance With Your Summertime Exercising

Your Thrive Restorative Fitness Team has tips to keep you feeling your best no matter what the summer has in store.

How to Improve a Man’s Health?  Through His Stomach.

How to Improve a Man’s Health? Through His Stomach.

Dads and dudes — we want you to pay more attention to the things that are causing undue stress in your life, like nutrition deficiencies, erratic blood sugar, dehydration, skipping meals, impaired digestion, sleep deprivation, mindless screen time... One of the best ways you can help yourself is to build and fuel your bodies properly through ...

How Men Can Relieve Issues and Restore Vitality With Traditional Chinese Medicine

How Men Can Relieve Issues and Restore Vitality With Traditional Chinese Medicine

The stressors of modern-day life can show up in a multitude of ways, often as mental health issues and physical symptoms that include chronic pain, high blood pressure, digestive complaints, insomnia and fatigue. Learn how Traditional Chinese Medicine can help.

Want a Better Golf Game? Improve Your Rotational Mechanics.

Want a Better Golf Game? Improve Your Rotational Mechanics.

If you’re looking to optimize your golf game, you’ll need to address some key mechanics. Golf is a mechanically complex rotational sport and people train and “stretch” for rotation in ineffective ways. Get Julie's helpful mechanical strengthening exercises and start seeing better results in your swing.

Relieve Stress and Breathe Through Your Heart

Relieve Stress and Breathe Through Your Heart

With just a few minutes of this breathing technique, the heart slows down, blood vessels relax, and the heart sends healing messages to the body. Practice these easy breathing exercises to relieve stress and feel better.

Is Your “Dad Bod” Healthy?

Is Your “Dad Bod” Healthy?

So fellas, have you settled into a “Dad Bod” where you’re sporting a bit of extra fat around your middle? While some women claim to find the “Dad Bod” attractive and view this physique as reflecting a man’s attention to spending time with his family versus paying attention to how he looks — this body type actually poses serious health risks.

Create an Environment of Healing by Integrating Self Care Across Your Entire Self

Create an Environment of Healing by Integrating Self Care Across Your Entire Self

Every day, men are re-injuring their bodies, never giving them the opportunity to heal. We are stealing our manliness and livelihood from ourselves each day, leading to a life of disease, sexual dysfunction, infertility, feelings of inadequacy, and depression. It's time to create a healing environment for ourselves.

The Clear Message is… Dad Needs a Massage

The Clear Message is… Dad Needs a Massage

Yes, massage is great for relaxation and stress management, but dude — there are so many more benefits, like lowering blood pressure, shortening muscle recovery time, boosting your immunity.. And more!

Build the Brakes, Not the Engine: The Importance of Deceleration Training

Build the Brakes, Not the Engine: The Importance of Deceleration Training

Training your body for deceleration could be the difference between a stumble in which you catch yourself and a fall that could have serious consequences.

Holistic Postpartum Care with Acupuncture

Holistic Postpartum Care with Acupuncture

Acupuncture can be immensely helpful to support the wellbeing of the new mother by improving circulation of blood through the pelvis, helping heal a Cesarean incision and minimize scar tissue.

Healthy Hacks for Busy Moms

Healthy Hacks for Busy Moms

Mom's need to prioritize their health to better thrive! Prioritize keeping blood sugar in balance, quality sleep and movement. We have the hacks to help do all of these.

Mom on Board: The Need for Self Care

Mom on Board: The Need for Self Care

All mothers know that every stage of pregnancy and motherhood is special. However, there seems to be a trend in our society of discounting the importance of postpartum care.

Magnificent Mom, Magnificent You: Love Yourself First

Magnificent Mom, Magnificent You: Love Yourself First

We all feel that the world certainly needs more love right now, and the best way to begin generating more love is to first truly love yourself.

Desk Exercises to Relieve Stress In Neck and Shoulders

Desk Exercises to Relieve Stress In Neck and Shoulders

Use breath work throughout the day to help re-balance your posture and relieve stress. So many people will overposture and default to a vertical accessory breathing pattern especially when they’re under stress. This is something most people aren’t even aware of. It’s important to remember that good posture is not chest up, shoulders back, and ...

Sleep to Restore, Revive, and Optimize

Sleep to Restore, Revive, and Optimize

The holiday season is upon us. It’s a time of family, fun, and celebration. But it can also be a time of busy schedules, stress, and lack of sleep. Let’s make this a season to thrive by taking care of ourselves so we can enjoy everything that comes this time of year.

Healthy for the Holidays

Healthy for the Holidays

Here come the holidays! This is my favorite time of the year. A time to come together with family and friends, good food and even better company. It can also be a time with extra running around to get everything checked off of your to do list which can leave you feeling tired and rundown. We all want to stay as healthy as possible so we can ...

Acupuncture for leg and foot pain

Acupuncture for leg and foot pain

We don’t often pay much attention to our legs or feet unless there are issues there to attend to. But those of us with a chronic lower limb injury or musculoskeletal instability in the arch of the foot can attest to how unrelenting such an affliction can be. Managing ongoing foot and leg pain can be exasperating; every step is an excruciating ...

The Benefits of Direct Access Physical Therapy

The Benefits of Direct Access Physical Therapy

Are you or a loved one dealing with pain? Or maybe you’re a “weekend warrior” who pushed it a little too far? Or how about aches and pains from running? Maybe you’re dealing with muscle tension and loss of function from a physically demanding job? Or maybe you have persistent pain that has been around so long you can’t remember how it ...

5 Exercises to Improve your Posture

5 Exercises to Improve your Posture

Inchworms - Rounded Downward Dog Walk OutsFrom all fours, knees directly under hips and hands under shoulders Shift your weight forward so your nose is over your fingertips. Exhale and round up through your mid-back like a "cat" yoga pose Extend knees to inhibit hyperactive muscles into a slightly rounded downward dog From the downward dog ...

The Difference Between Medical Massage and Spa Massage

The Difference Between Medical Massage and Spa Massage

Have you ever wondered about the difference between a medical massage and a spa massage? We had one of our certified massage therapists, Chantal, discuss the differences to help better understand. While one might think all massages are alike that is not the case. Medical massages and spa massages have differences in their purpose, training, ...

Grounding: The Importance of Breathing Properly

Grounding: The Importance of Breathing Properly

Let's look at the mechanics of breathing, as well as the mechanics of the respiratory and pelvic diaphragms, to better understand how the mechanical ventilatory pump is a powerful driver to keep the body connected to the ground during dynamic movement.The central tendon of the respiratory diaphragm descends towards the ground during ...

Grounding: Connection to Gait

Grounding: Connection to Gait

Hopefully you are following our discussion about the valuable principle of grounding. What's cool is our natural gait cycle is mechanically sound to help us ground ourselves to improve our internal physiology and system function. Unfortunately, many people have lost the reciprocity to exchange a rhythm between the right and left halves of the ...

Grounding: Restoring Normal Physiological and Mechanical Function

Grounding: Restoring Normal Physiological and Mechanical Function

"Grounding" is a principle we apply in our programming and is essential for restoring normal physiological and mechanical function. Various research has been published to help explain the beneficial effects of grounding on human biological performance and health (note: Earthing is a form of grounding).The inability to ground is the inability ...

What are PRI orthotics

What are PRI orthotics

At THRIVE, we fabricate a very unique and special foot orthotic that applies neuromuscular principles with solid principals of lower extremity biomechanics. These orthotics effectively influence the entire postural and movement system by combining the Science of Postural Restoration (PRI) Advanced Physical Therapy with the biomechanics of ...