Nourishing or eating according to your menstrual cycle means working with your hormones instead of against them. Depending on which phase of your cycle you’re in, your nutrient needs fluctuate with your hormones.
You can modify your eating habits around these changes to work smarter, and bless your body instead of stressing it out. This will help establish better energy, more stable moods, less PMS, fewer cravings, and all around better health.
Understanding your cycle is step one. During your cycle, your body goes through phases, similar to the way the weather goes through seasons.
The length of your cycle is the number of days between periods, including the first day of your period until the day before your next period starts. Cycle length is determined by the day ovulation occurs. The average length of a cycle is 29 days, and per healthcare standards, a normal cycle can be anywhere from 23 to 35 days.
Menstrual Phase
days 1-5
Focus on warm and easily digestible foods.
Metabolic rate is high, so choose nutrient-dense foods that provide sustainable energy such as protein and healthy fats. Root vegetables provide vitamin A, which helps the liver filter out excess estrogen. Increased fiber also assists with filtering out excess estrogen in this phase.
Foods to emphasize during this phase include soups, stews, potatoes, chestnuts, beets, figs, edamame, buckwheat, kelp, salmon, butter, dark chocolate, legumes, whole grains, and ginger.
Follicular Phase
days 16-14
Focus on high-energy foods to support spiking hormone levels.
Complex carbs, high-fiber fruits, and protein provide stabilized energy. Greens such as chard and dandelion root promote liver function and filtration to stabilize estrogen levels.
Foods to emphasize during this phase include strawberries, broccoli, avocado, asparagus, red lentil, lamb, salmon, chocolate, and almonds.
Ovulatory Phase
days 15-17
Focus on lighter and energizing foods.
This is a great time to eat raw veggies that are high in fiber, and citrus fruits with vitamin C, which aid in estrogen metabolism. Incorporate fermented food to promote gut vitality and healthy bacteria growth.
Foods to emphasize during this phase include leafy greens, blueberries, citrus fruits, bananas, fermented foods like sauerkraut, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, and oysters.
Luteal Phase
days 18-28
this is before your period
You will want to focus on eating healthy and avoiding any foods or habits that trigger inflammation in your body.
Examples are alcohol, caffeine, carbonated drinks with artificial sweeteners, dairy, and added salt. Grounding and warming foods support progesterone production. Stabilize blood sugar levels and cravings with complex carbs from legumes, and whole grains can balance insulin. Magnesium found in leafy greens and dark chocolate helps you deal with bloating and cramping.
Foods to emphasize during this phase include beans, berries, tomatoes, red peppers, apples, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, brown rice, oats, carrots, sweet potatoes, cod, salmon, bone broth, bone-in chicken, and organic grass-fed red meat.
Honor your body through each phase of your cycle with exercise! Here are some general guidelines for exercise intensity that may be beneficial during the hormone fluctuations around your cycle.
- Menstrual Phase: light movement, walking, stretching, slow yoga. Rest is key during this phase; pamper yourself.
- Follicular phase: light cardio such as hiking, light runs, yoga, swimming.
- Ovulation phase: opt for cricut, high-intensity interval exercise, spin classes, weight lifting, pilates, dancing, running.
- Luteal phase: light to moderate exercise, strength training, pilates, more intensive yoga (yin or vinyasa).