The new school year is approaching fast, and it’s time to start getting back into routines to set yourself and your family up for success. This includes establishing routines and habits that keep everyone healthy and performing at their best.Â
During the summer months, it’s easy to become a little lax with our routines with all the family vacations, beach days, and other summer activities. If we don’t put energy into re-establishing our healthy behaviors, we may end up never getting back on track, and may suffer both short-term and long-term consequences.Â
So what can we do to ensure a great start to the new school year?
Well, health and success isn’t about being perfect, it’s about consistency.
When you have habits that are common practice and follow through with them most of the time, you’ll enhance your family’s well-being. This will allow for a smooth transition into the school year.
Sit down with your family and come up with a plan. Give your kids options and let them choose a few things they think they can do. This gives everyone the opportunity to have input and feel invested in the plan.