A man was on the treadmill at the gym this morning, and his heart rate was already 152 when the trainer told him to push harder for the last 60 seconds… Because anything you want in life, you have to work hard for. Although this may be true for strengthening your heart or increasing your muscle strength, it is not the truth for anything else you want to accomplish in life.Â
Our culture teaches hard work is how you get anywhere in life, when in fact, the opposite is true. When we are relaxed and in an aligned state, life flows with very little effort.
It’s all energy… YOU are energy. You don’t have energy flowing through you; you are the energy that has a mind and a body. You are infinite, magnificent and capable of achieving anything you can dream.
Alignment happens when you awaken to the fact that you are the energy and you learn to use the mind to serve that energy. The result is you awaken parts of your consciousness that have not previously been awake. You start living in your body more and in your head less. And the natural by-product of that is healing, happiness and an easy, fun life! Your life is flowing in direct reflection of how YOU, the energy being, is flowing.
If you want to know more, talk to us about how we can include Energy Healing in your care plan or with your next service visit. Together, we’ll get your energy flowing so you can start realizing your dreams.
Interested in learning more about Thrivestyle Medicine and how we can help on your health and wellness journey? Let’s schedule a chat!Â