What is The Best Recovery Posture During High-Intensity Interval Training?
I can remember doing two-a-day workouts with my basketball team that included relay suicide runs and sprints up a long hill. When we were waiting for our teammate to hand off or as we got to walk down the hill, coach would say, “Put your hands on your head” to help us...
Help Protect Your Body With Dry Brushing
Your health is not something you can look at as a short-term objective. Starting routines and turning them into healthy habits is a great way to achieve your long-term health goals. If you are looking for something small you can add to your routine that can help your...
With Every Little Decision You Make, Take Care
My son recently graduated from college and is working at his first full-time job. He decided to live with me and his dad, after realizing he could save far more money staying at home. His goal is to purchase a home in Virginia Beach. Will that happen tomorrow? Nope....